Monday, May 24, 2010

Why oh why is the weather so crummy here?

Team WHERE IS TOM took off on a training ride on what we hoped would be a glorious Saturday morning ride. In fact, look at our previous post and you can see what our goal was. Well, anyone out there recall the weather early Saturday morning. WE DO! It rained and rained and then rained some more.  Reluctantly we still set out on a shortened version (though we were mighty tempted to hit a bar and or movie instead). As we rode out of Bellevue and into the rain clouds our day was looking dismal. Right about 10 miles in, near but not on the 520 trail the SKY LITERALLY OPENED UP AND DUMPED ON US. So we did what any pro street racing team would do, we hid under a bus stop waiting for it to pass.  IT didn't at least not right away.

Soggy and shivering we headed towards Redmond- making this our second attempt to use the 520 bike trail and our second time not really finding it. THough we did find the world's steepest street and then an oportune time to mountaineer with our bikes from said street to the trail.  We headed into Totem Lake, felt a bit of sun and hit the Samammish trail into Redmond. Ironically we found lunch just as it got sunny out. So we ate some soup and warmed up our bodies and our shriveled feet. 

Then our ride led us down East Lake Samammish and through Issaquah back on the I90 trail home, totalling about 40 miles.  While not uneventful, no ride of ours has been, I learned some valuable lessons:

1. The 520 trail is quite elusive- I wonder if it truly exists?
3. THe padding on bike shorts soaks up rain water nicely, a bit like a GIANT DIAPER.
4.  Riding whether sunny or cold is fun with my team, I kinda dig them

Lastly, Tom if you are reading, isn't it time you join us for a ride?

I only had one photo from our journey, but it should really sum up our trip....

Sunday, May 16, 2010

'Get that bear! Get that bear! Ho!' | KOMO News - Breaking News, Sports, Traffic and Weather - Seattle, Washington | Local & Regional

If you read my previous post, letter #4, click on this article.  I think this is my bear!!!!!!!!!!

'Get that bear! Get that bear! Ho!' KOMO News - Breaking News, Sports, Traffic and Weather - Seattle, Washington Local & Regional

Letter #4

Dear Greggs,

Today I went out into the beautiful morning sunshine by my lonesome for a solo ride through Maple Valley and Issaquah. Actually it was the same hilly ride that Joc and I did last week. The reason I am writing you dear Greggs is that no one told me what to do when one solo biker encounters a BLACK BEAR the size of a HOUSE!!!!  Yes that is right, on lovely Iss-Hobart road at about 10 am, I had to slam on my brakes so that Mr. Bear could meander across my path. He could have fit my entire bike in his mouth he was so freaking large.

So please Greggs, tell me if any of my reactions were correct... I panicked, said a little prayer, and closed my eyes as I pedalled home as fast as I could.  When I come in this week to get my pump issue all worked out, could someone at your lovely store talk to me about my protection options? Should I add Bear Spray to my Pack or should i just get a rifle? 

Signed a scared, wilderness rider,


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Maple Valley Ride

We did it...we changed our first tire! Ok, so we didn't actually change a tire by ourselves, but we intently watched two fellow cyclists change Hillary's tire. So here's the deal, we left Hillary's house with high hopes of completing our ride in no more than two hours. We took off and within minutes we both were running over rubbish in the road. was like a tool box exploded and we both hit every tool possible. We were riding on flat ground and all of a sudden Hillary asked, "does it feel like we are riding up hill?" Uh oh....sounds like the infamous Seattle ride where I was ready to quit STP. Then all of a sudden we realized Hillary had a flat. We pulled off to the side of Highway 167 and confidently preceded to change Hillary's tire. That is until we realized we had no idea how to use either one of our bike pumps. Fortunately, two cyclists stopped by to assist. Might I add they were wonderful, kind, and looked great in their bike shorts!
Our heroes who saved the day or at least our ride!

Hillary attempting to change her own tire

With a new tube in place we continued on with our ride. The ride was awesome. Hilly at times, or as Hillary would say "rolling hills". I like to call them just "hills". Needless to say we both rocked and never once had to walk our bikes up the hills. Actually, I think Hillary and I perfected the art of biking uphill while standing. Very impressive I must say! About 2 hours later we pulled into Hillary's neighborhood to end a great ride. I must admit I did have to walk my bike once we hit the short bike path between streets in Hillary's neighborhood. I don't know what it is about this one spot, but I freaked out, so I dismounted and walked the ten feet to the end of the path. I think I even shocked Hillary, who reminded me that it was literally 3 pedals of road. I promise next time I will ignore my nerves and bike up the path.

Here's a brief summary of the ride:
  1. We managed to return home by the time we promised Hillary's husband and ourselves...even with a flat tire.
  2. We rocked the hills.
  3. Hillary is working on a game plan for me to overcome my fear of my clipless pedals...I have faith she will succeed.
  5. The bruise from my last fall is officially green and I think may be growing a tumor now.
  6. Both mine and Hillary's wrists were hurting from our ride...what does this mean? You got it...another trip to Gregg's to get new handlebars. Any excuse to see our fave employees at Gregg's!
You may be wondering, "where was Leo?" Great question. We have no idea. He bailed on us that morning. My guess....he partied too hard the night before and wasn't able to get up early enough to make the long trek from Everett to Maple Valley.

And a shout out to Kirk, Tom, and Rebecca who showed me how to use my bike pump, changed out my handlebars, convinced me to keep my super pricey bike knickers, providing some tips on clipping out, and for showing me their Veladrome race videos.

Two weeks until our long ride...we are thinking the Bainbridge Island loop, aka Chilly Hilly.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Letter #3

Dear Greggs,

Jocelyn and I ventured out on a ride Saturday morning and not even a 1/2 mile into it, I ran over a massive explosion of car parts and voila got my first flat. So we calmly pulled over and panicked. We thought our REI fix a flat class really taught us the necessetties but quickly realized that we couldn't figure out how to use my pump with my tubes. Hmmm. Are we idiots we thought? Surely not. But twenty minutes later we can't get my tube/valve to hook up to my pump nor Joc's. Luckily, Dale a nice road biker (not his real name, or probably not his name) pulled over and offered his assistance. Well he informed me that my Schrader valve is super hard to work with and even he could not get it to work with my pump. So he pulled out Joc's spare tube (maybe a Presta or something like that valve) and used his pump as mine didn't work and inflated my tire.  Then another lovely road biker also pulled over to witness our incident and had a giant foot pump and really inflated it the rest of the way. So after a fun 45 minute detour and introductions to two new friends we were on our way. 

We rode through Maple Valley and Issaquah-Hobart on a nice rolling-hill 22 mile ride. But Gregg's what to do about my tubes and pump? Aha, I have an idea, I will come back in with my bike and beg you for help once again? So Tom or Kirk if you are reading this, be patient with me and get me a damn pump that is easy to use and works with my tubes. Actually I may want new tubes. See you Thursday or maybe Saturday.

Sincerely a frustrated Flat Fixer,


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Some Goals for this Journey

I found myself today thinking about my goals for this process and why I am doing the STP and while my original reason for doing it, Jocelyn persuaded impulsive me, has not changed my goals have.

Original Goals:
To buy a bike
To complete the STP
Have Fun

New and improved Goals:
  1. Get my average MPH up to 14-15 instead of about 12-13
  2. Possibly invest in a road bike, down the ahem... road
  3. Do the STP on an annual basis
  4. Do the Oregon Coast week-long bike ride
  5. Burn more calories than I consume on any given training ride
  6. Get Jocelyn to not be so damned freaked out about clipping in

I love bike riding and have to thank Joc for my new hobby. I find myself daydreaming about our weekend rides and getting so giddy about the new places we might explore.

About 3 years ago, I remember driving down the road in San Diego and seeing a fleet of bikers in their cool jerseys riding along together. I noticed how fluid they were and in-sync and how it looked so peaceful.  Then a mile down the road, I stopped into Starbucks and saw the same bikers pull up and enjoy their coffee and snacks together as part of their Sunday Riding Club. I remember thinking that I wanted to be a part of a club like that one day. Well thanks to Joc and Kirk (why Kirk, Cause I dig him and think he is fantastic) and my great hubby for allowing me to ditch out almost every weekend, I kinda am part of the bike culture or at least our own little bike culture and I kinda love it.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Due to busy schedules team Where is Tom? had to ride separately this weekend. I decided to brave the I-90 bridge again with my dad this morning. Overall it was a good ride, but I'm realizing I do not enjoy the bridge at all. Here's a breakdown of my morning.
  1. Met my dad Saturday morning in Bellevue.
  2. My dad had a flat tire so we changed it together.
  3. His brakes were rubbing so I tried to help him make adjustments.
  4. After a 1/2 hour he decided he would be fine riding with little to no front brake.
  5. We headed out from my parents house to the I-90 trail.
  6. Mercer Island is still all hills both ways!!! I hate Mercer Island.
  7. I averaged 19 miles/hour across the 90 bridge westbound...much better than last time. (What a difference no brakes rubbing makes!)
  8. I've never been scared of heights, so I don't think that was it, but I was scared to death of riding across the bridge. Something about being able to see the water and the thought that if somehow I fell in with my bike attached I would drown. Morbid I know...but I'm crazy!
  9. We rode around Seward park. I grew up in Bellevue and never once had ever been to Seward park. I have been missing out. What was I thinking driving all the way to Greenlake when Seward park is so close???
  10. On the way back to 90 we couldn't decide which way to go...then it happened.....
  11. I think I was at a stand still and clipped in on only one slow motion I fell down for the 2nd time.
  12. I have reconfirmed that I have no reflex reaction and am horrible in a pickle!
  13. Tom, I confirmed that your bike does not always release your clips when you hit the ground...I was still clipped in and my dad had to pick me up.
  14. I got back up and we headed back to Bellevue, with a quick stop on Mercer Island for my uncle to fix my dad's brakes.
  15. I averaged 12 miles per hour Eastbound. Something about that wind got to me.
  16. My uncle joined us on our ride back to Bellevue...and made riding look so easy. My goal is to look like him on a bike one day.
  17. My dad is a freakin' machine. No matter how much older we get I'll never be able to beat him physically.
  18. My entire left side is really sore. Falling does hurt in case you didn't know. And I swear I have a bruise on the palm of my hand...that's a first!
  19. We rode a total of 27 miles.
Overall, it was a great ride, but I miss the fun times I have with my team. Looking forward to the next ride! And even more scared of my pedals now. Why, oh why is the fear not going away???